Background: Pattern of parent Treatment to child of primer lungs TB can support a patient healing, including: environment, housing, medication monitoring, nutrition accomplishment, take a rest accomplishment, treatment of respiration trouble and feel balmy accomplishment (Ngatsiyah, 2003). According to Bahar 2001, long patient TB medication and have exceeded (6-9 month) need a lot of money, by founded of rifampisin occur "minirevolusi" in chemo therapy to tuberculosis, so medication duration can be taken a short cut to become 6-9 month. Objective of the study is to know the healing success level of primer lungstuberculosis at child 1-6 years old in Cibuntu, Cibitung Bekasi.
Methods: This research is non experiment having the character of descriptive. By using retrospective approach. This research is done in Cibuntu, Cibitung, village Bekasi. Technique of Intake sample by using saturated technique sample with the 30 responders who consists of mothers that its child suffer the primer lungs TB and have 1-6 years old. The data is taken between August to September 2007 by using questioner and data from patient identity.Analyze the data by using koefsien biserial.
Result: Result of hypothesis obtained by correlation coefficient is r = 0,898 with the significant level is 0,05 the matter show healing success level of primer lungs tuberculosis at child 1-6 years old. Conclusion: The more mother pattern treatment to primer lungs tuberculosis child hence the most quick process its healing.
Background: Pattern of parent Treatment to child of primer lungs TB can support a patient healing, including: environment, housing, medication monitoring, nutrition accomplishment, take a rest accomplishment, treatment of respiration trouble and feel balmy accomplishment (Ngatsiyah, 2003). According to Bahar 2001, long patient TB medication and have exceeded (6-9 month) need a lot of money, by founded of rifampisin occur "minirevolusi" in chemo therapy to tuberculosis, so medication duration can be taken a short cut to become 6-9 month. Objective of the study is to know the healing success level of primer lungstuberculosis at child 1-6 years old in Cibuntu, Cibitung Bekasi.
Methods: This research is non experiment having the character of descriptive. By using retrospective approach. This research is done in Cibuntu, Cibitung, village Bekasi. Technique of Intake sample by using saturated technique sample with the 30 responders who consists of mothers that its child suffer the primer lungs TB and have 1-6 years old. The data is taken between August to September 2007 by using questioner and data from patient identity.Analyze the data by using koefsien biserial.
Result: Result of hypothesis obtained by correlation coefficient is r = 0,898 with the significant level is 0,05 the matter show healing success level of primer lungs tuberculosis at child 1-6 years old. Conclusion: The more mother pattern treatment to primer lungs tuberculosis child hence the most quick process its healing.
Keywords: Treatment Pattern, Tuberculosis, child 1-6 years old.
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