Nurse is majority employee and has a important role to get better health services at a hospital. Job satisfaction represent important matter because directly or indirectly can influence work productivity which is on finally will increase service of care to the patient.
The Aim of this research is to know related of organizational climate with job satisfaction of associate nurse in take care shed of PKU Muhamadiyah Karanganyar hospital”.
This Research represent quantitative research use analytic descriptive research with cross sectional design. Intake of data by using organizational climate quesioner and job satisfaction, each counted 20. From 37 respondent representing is total of associate nurse in take care shed by result 62,2% perception of organizational climate of goodness, 37,8% perception of organizational climate is moderate and 0%perception of organizational climate less. For the job satisfaction counted 24,3% expressing satisfaction of high, 70,3% job satisfaction is moderate and 5,4% expressing job satisfaction low. Counted 54,1% old age < 29 year, education which at most is D3, and year of service which is > 6 year counted 32,4%.
From result of test of statistic by using test of chi square of α= 0,05 obtained result of that there is relation which is signifikan between organizational climate with job satisfaction associate nurse in take care shed of RS PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar . And there no relation between nurse characteristic with job satisfaction in take care shed of RS PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar.
Nurse job satisfaction can affect nurse performance, in consequence need to increase job satisfaction by creating correct organizational climate to existing target through openness effort, democratize in organization, and esteeming each other and also leadership style partying to nurse.
Keywords = organizational climate, job satisfaction, associate nurse
Nurse is majority employee and has a important role to get better health services at a hospital. Job satisfaction represent important matter because directly or indirectly can influence work productivity which is on finally will increase service of care to the patient.
The Aim of this research is to know related of organizational climate with job satisfaction of associate nurse in take care shed of PKU Muhamadiyah Karanganyar hospital”.
This Research represent quantitative research use analytic descriptive research with cross sectional design. Intake of data by using organizational climate quesioner and job satisfaction, each counted 20. From 37 respondent representing is total of associate nurse in take care shed by result 62,2% perception of organizational climate of goodness, 37,8% perception of organizational climate is moderate and 0%perception of organizational climate less. For the job satisfaction counted 24,3% expressing satisfaction of high, 70,3% job satisfaction is moderate and 5,4% expressing job satisfaction low. Counted 54,1% old age < 29 year, education which at most is D3, and year of service which is > 6 year counted 32,4%.
From result of test of statistic by using test of chi square of α= 0,05 obtained result of that there is relation which is signifikan between organizational climate with job satisfaction associate nurse in take care shed of RS PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar . And there no relation between nurse characteristic with job satisfaction in take care shed of RS PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar.
Nurse job satisfaction can affect nurse performance, in consequence need to increase job satisfaction by creating correct organizational climate to existing target through openness effort, democratize in organization, and esteeming each other and also leadership style partying to nurse.
Keywords = organizational climate, job satisfaction, associate nurse
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