Heart Disease is represent one of disease that menacing life and cause death. Survey of Household Health 1992 state that heart disease occupy the first sequence of death cause in Indonesia. When the heart disease suffered by one ofthe family member and need to be hospitalized, it will cause anxiety to its family, worry and fear if its family die. To manage the anxiety family need an effective coping strategy so that family can take care of its family member.
This is quantitative research with descriptive corellational desain and use cross sectional approach. All of patient family of heart disease which hospitalized in RSUD Ambarawa become subject research. By using consecutive sampling technique, sample is taken totally (n: 33 respondents).
Data was analyzed use univariat and bivariat analyze. Then chi square was used to identify there is any correlation between independent and dependent variable. Results of this study show that the existence of correlation between anxiety level with the coping strategy (p value < 0,001).
The study recommend that the importance of improving family knowledge about heart disease and its treatment, and also giving conseling to family and need to be explored futher by using qualitative desain. Bibliography = 26 (1984-2004)
Keywords = Anxiety , Coping, Heart disease
Heart Disease is represent one of disease that menacing life and cause death. Survey of Household Health 1992 state that heart disease occupy the first sequence of death cause in Indonesia. When the heart disease suffered by one ofthe family member and need to be hospitalized, it will cause anxiety to its family, worry and fear if its family die. To manage the anxiety family need an effective coping strategy so that family can take care of its family member.
This is quantitative research with descriptive corellational desain and use cross sectional approach. All of patient family of heart disease which hospitalized in RSUD Ambarawa become subject research. By using consecutive sampling technique, sample is taken totally (n: 33 respondents).
Data was analyzed use univariat and bivariat analyze. Then chi square was used to identify there is any correlation between independent and dependent variable. Results of this study show that the existence of correlation between anxiety level with the coping strategy (p value < 0,001).
The study recommend that the importance of improving family knowledge about heart disease and its treatment, and also giving conseling to family and need to be explored futher by using qualitative desain. Bibliography = 26 (1984-2004)
Keywords = Anxiety , Coping, Heart disease
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