Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

Free Book Preview Start Here! Learn JavaScript

We’re pleased to announce the availability of the new book Start Here! Learn JavaScript, by Steve Suehring, the author of several other JavaScript-centric books for Microsoft Press. Learn the fundamentals of modern programming with JavaScript—and begin building your first apps for the web. This book introduces must-know concepts and techniques through easy-to-follow explanations, examples, and exercises.
With the importance of web development skills growing every day, and the ever-increasing importance of JavaScript as a development language, for both the web and now for Windows Store app development as well, there’s a growing need for books that provide an entry-level path into JavaScript programming, and that beginner
audience is the target for this book. Readers will acquire a fundamental knowledge that they can build on not only in JavaScript programming for the web, but also gain an introduction to programming Windows Store apps using JavaScript.

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