Minggu, 30 Desember 2012


Background: Asthma is respiratory disease, it is not very complex but also multifarious which is usually related to the characteristic of the gene and the environment. Asthma is the main factor in increasing the absence and decreasing productivity so it influences the growth of the sufferes as welfare the social level of the family. Asthma sufferers or asthmatic persons will have respiratory problems and malfunctional abilities, the daily activities, productive activity and recreation. Respiratory problems usually can be cured, but the posture of asthmatic persons will change and then is spasm of the respiratory muscle, will cause the wrong system of respiration. This situation will tend to panic the sufferer whenever the asthma attacks. This can be solued by having medical rehabilitation,teraphi exercise which is usually called asthma gymnastic (pre and post) and the frequency of relaps from asthma. 
Methods: This research uses observational methode and the cross sectional approach. The population are Semarang Hospital patients in the year 2003 and there are 80 persons or sample. This sample was taken using accidental random sumpling, who joined the gymnastic and those who clid not also. The dates werw taken by interviewing the respondens.
Result:The chi-square test showed that there is a closed relationship between the asthma gymnastic (pre and post) and the frequency of asthma relaps (p=0,001), with contingency coefficient is 0,648. for the analiyst treatment to convince this t-test in significant level is 5%, the result of the showed that there a closed relationship between the asthma gymnastic and the frequency of asthma relaps(p=0,001). This means that the relationship between the regularity of gymnastic and the frequency of asthma relaps, the chi-square tset showed that there is a closed relationship between the asthma gymnastic and the frequency of asthma relaps(p=0,037), with contingency coefficient is low(0,376).
Keywords : asthmatic exercise, frequency of attack

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